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Your Career Coach

Your Career Coach

One of the first things I ask my business clients is What motivated you to start your own business?. The answer I get the most is to be successful in something I love, provide for my family and have choices, make money! So in this 247 society we live in hows it going? Hows your work life balance, hows your new career shaping up? Not quite what you thought right? Reacting rather than being pro-active? As a Career Consultant and LinkedIn Trainer with over 26 years business experience in Sales and Marketing, I work with self employed professionals and business owners just like you to give them tools to take back control of their time, manage it more effectively and shape their career and business to reflect what they really want. I train them to use LinkedIn to grow their sales pipeline, harness contacts and maximise business opportunities. So ready to take back control of your business and future growth? Contact me today on or call 01403 250274. I offer 8am appointments, setting you up for your day, week and month!

Areas Covered: West Sussex


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